Monday, 18 April 2011

Blank Slate

Here we go again.

To be honest, I don't really know why I'm bothering with this again right now. It's such a crucial time for me. What with my final exams coming up and whatnot. But..


The thought just came to me while in a car tonight:

I'm going to go and write useless crap on the Internet, for anyone who really wants to waste their time with my endless shenanigans and rants.

Hehe. Shenanigans.

Yeah, I figure with a name as ridiculous as "Freegal Smith", I can get away with saying pretty much anything. Too bad I'm boring. Already middle aged and I feel like a washed up piece of cardboard you find drifting off the side of your infinity pool and little pieces of me have ripped off and clogged the pool's filtering system, so now you've got a terrible case of pool scum and bacteria growing on the surface. That's what each of these blog posts are. Distraught little pieces of crap, of microscopic significance and real purpose other than being a nuisance.

So do i sound like a big pouty pessimist yet?

Enjoy the rest of my scum.

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