This is a draft outline of what my rock operetta will be about. Each "chapter" will be encapsulated by a song or piece of music. The idea is to have a cohesive story told through music of varying genres. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but there's only one way to find out.
Chapter 1 - AM
Ever since Aaron Ray Mason turned 18, his days have forever been the same. AM to PM, one hand on the remote, the other down his pants. He doesn’t want eat, he doesn’t want sleep, he doesn’t want speak. In fact it’s even irrelevant if he wants to or not, he doesn’t need to. He’s just like everyone else in his generation. It’s almost like a rite of passage into adulthood. If you don’t become a vegetable when you come of age, there’s something inherently wrong with you, you sicko. He’s no different from anyone else, I could’ve chosen anyone his age to write about, and the story would be the exact same song and dance. At least he’s average. That’s more than what some people hope to be in their life.
Chapter 2 - The Boy Who Couldn’t Stand
He never used to be like this though. No, he was quite an active little kid actually. Played with friends, had adventures in his own mind grander than any movie or video game could ever present to him. His parents were so proud. When he was 13 reports started surfacing of teens who had lost all will to move. He heard his parents say they were all just good for nothing kids anyways. Wastes of space. Pot smoking meth heads who would have never amounted to anything.
As the years went on, more and more reports came about until it was such a common occurrence it stopped becoming news. At first it was treated like an epidemic. People feared some kind of disease had targeted the young folk, others believed it was alien intervention. Some said it was an act of God, punishing the lazy sinners addicted to lust and self love. Even with all the speculation, the unanimous agreement of the parents was that these problem children were all wrong mentally, and that their own children could never possibly succumb to such a fate. Aaron’s parents in particular were very adamant that their then 17 year old - grade A never drank or smoked - son would be a victim. Queue the 18th birthday.
Just like everyone else, he became a vegetable. Forever perched on his old leather couch, conveniently placed in front of the house’s spare TV. He seemed quite content with his new life, and adjusted just as quick as everyone else. His parents were thrown into a wild hurricane frenzy. They called a doctor a therapist and even a preacher. Could anything make him move?
Chapter 3 - It’s All Just White Noise
Therapist: Son, let me sit down here next to you. Consider me a friend. You can tell me anything. - Do you feel sad? - Are you under any pressure? - I’m here for you. I’m here to help. Anything you say here will always be confidential. Don’t worry about the fact I consult your parents after every session, we’re not talking about you. Honest.
I suggest bringing him to our institution.
Doctor: Well, all the blood samples came back negative. There doesn’t seem to be anything in him that makes him special or different to any other case. He is completely normal. I would suggest 6 of these every day and 4 of these. And let’s say another 2 of these for good measure.
We may be able to take a closer look in the lab.
Preacher: This boy has been cursed by the devil, mark my words. The lord has struck this child for all the sins he has amassed over his putrid sinful life of youth and freedom.This is what you deserve, however, he shall be in my prayers, I promise.
Now, any donations would be greatly appreciated.
Chapter 4 - “Stand Up”
Why are you doing this to us, Aaron? You’re giving us a bad name. Don’t you even care what the neighbours say about us? You’re just like everyone else. Here we were, for all those years, thinking you would amount to something. BE someone. But no, you managed to prove us wrong. You’re nothing but a waste of space, just like your entire black hole of a generation. How do you think this makes us feel? How selfish can you get? We trusted you, and this is how you let us down. A constant disappointment.
If you ever stand up again, the first place you’re going is out of here.
Chapter 5 - Build Up
Somewhere deep inside Aaron Ray Mason’s mind, the long pre-heating cogs began to initiate. A cold bitter intelligent rage was building up inside him, and it was only a matter of time before his moment came.
Chapter 6 - Release
You know what? You only see what you want to see. All of you disapproving parents. All of you conservative, backwards groups who are so absorbed into their anus they’re used to the smell of their own faeces. This isn’t a revolution, this is just people living their own life. If you want to force people to conform to your standards and your own outdated ethics then maybe you should try and open your eyes every once and a while, and actually see people for what they really are. They aren’t identical copies of each other, they’re people who’ve come to the same conclusions. This isn’t a revolution, simply a social evolution that will happen regardless of if you approve of it or not. Facts are facts until proven on, and then we move on with the new knowledge. All I know is I don’t know nothing, and I sure as hell know more than you.