Wednesday 17 August 2011


Most of the time, I dream about one day becoming this big, amazing, famous rock star. And everyone cheers my bands name, as we break into our opening song (which the whole crowd knows the words to).
But i'm not that one-track minded.. Really..
Once I dreamed about saving this princess once. She had radiant gold hair and eyes so pure and blue i could see right into my soul! Cheesy right? Cliche right? I know. I was ashamed of myself. My imagination is terrible even in dreams! Anyway, I saved this girl along with my best friend. But he got all the credit from the king. But i didn't care.. All i could think of was her. Then we magically appeared on a red brick roof. And under the crescent moon, she thanked me. Personally. Wink Wink. But i mean. Don't get me wrong. I'm not some sex crazed weirdo either.. Oh wait, I mean, We didn't have sex either.. I think.. Anyway, anyway, Another dream i had: Me, my best friend, the girl of my dreams (Not the princess) And a bunch of other people, like this girl called Murielle, we were all sitting around a table. We were passing around some strange purple vial. It turned out to be a really long lighter, that created a green flame. We all took turns sniffing it.. I watched all my friends do it first. The fire just slithering up their noses like a worm.
Then When i did it, I actually experienced some kind of psychadelic high! It was so cool! The world went completely green around border of my vision, and it was all wavy like what you see on an old TV screen. Then everything went black and white, spun around, and i passed out. Or died. Can't remember.

Don't do drugs kids.

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