Wednesday, 18 July 2012



My name is Elder Bryce. And I would like to share with you the most amazing book.It has so many AWESOME parts, you simply won't believe how much this book can change your life!

Yes yes, that's right, I have just seen the greatest musical of all time so far.

Indeed, the Book of Mormon itself! Woooooo!

It was hilarious! If you ever get the chance to see it, do! Hahaha just thinking about it makes me wanna burst into hysterics. The fact that I'm also listening to the soundtrack too probably doesn't help my compulsive laughter either. heheh.

It really got me thinking about all religion. And how I'm glad I've decided not to believe anything.There's just no point really. There's just no proving that what's in a bible, or a holy text of some sort, or what some guy tells you, is really true or not. That's not to say that I believe there isn't a God, or Gods either. Because there's also no way to prove that there isn't one.

So when I say I don't believe in anything, I literally mean I don't believe in anything. Whether it's to do with believing something does exist, or doesn't. Because really, when you get right down to it, does it really matter? In the end you're only just following some crazy story from a book anyway, right? Now just cause it's crazy doesn't mean it's not true but... If you believe Noah saved two of every single animal on the planet in a gigantic arc during a flood, then you might as well believe that Jesus told Joseph Smith that fucking a frog will cure aids!

That's a little reference to the musical by the way. Heheh.

That's all for now, since I've got my flight for Orlaaandoooo tomorrow!




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