Who the eff is Julia? Fucked if I know!
Ohohoh, do you, do you see what I did there? I censored myself at first to bring you into my lair of feeling comfortable and at ease, and then BAM. Just like that, crank that shit up to 37 out of a possible 22. That's right, that's right. Thank you, thank you. Oh no, really, please, hold your applause! You're making me all embarrassed up here! Aw shucks, what can I say? Where would I be without my studio audience. Ohohh, you're just too great, honestly.
Anyways, it's July! Did ya here? Maybe you should read the local papers more often. If the know one thing in the world, it's the date. Mmhmm, if that ain't the truth I don't know WHAT is. Am I right? Am I right? Of course you're right.
Uh, but, in all seriousness. It's finally July. Took your bloody sweet time getting here, but you've finally came. I suppose this is going to be my epilogue for living in Penang. It's been a swell time. I hope this final month will be a good one to remember as a last hoorah before I'm unleashed upon the world in all of my uncensored green haired horror. There's quite a bit I want to do, so hopefully it will all work out fine and dandy.
Only time will tell of course. It could be entirely disappointing for all I know. It's hard not to be optimistic though. But then usually when that's a hard thing, it's almost always doomed to end miserably one way or another.
Hm.. But I'm not gonna think about that possibility now. No way no how. Instead, I'm now going to now go to going to now go now to now going to go now to going now to go to sleep now.
Okay. Now you can clap all you want. I'm finished.
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