Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Spit Ballin'

Well that was fun! 

A bit late to say that now, but I just thought I should say that. 

I'm talking about last night. That probably wasn't clear until just now. 

Ya see, I just did some major performance (I say major, but it was really only 2 songs :P) with my band. And it was just a blast. Even though, my guitar ran out of batteries half way through, and so I couldn't tune down half a step, and so Rudy had to tune all over again. But it went pretty smoooothly. 

I think people liked it, right? I hope they did. 

To be honest, I was actually really, really nervous. I think the most nervous I've ever been before I played. Couldn't stop shaking in my seat, just waiting. It was intense. But it felt great when I finally got up there. 

Heh, there was this part in the middle, where I decided to thank everyone individually in the band. Haha I had a feeling it was incredibly cheesy, but I meant everything I said. Totally non-scripted too! So that was aall from the heart. Boo yeah.

The weekend was really fun too. Well last Saturday was at least. Sunday I think I worked harder than I evveer have before. But I suppose that isn't saying much.. Ahem. But anyways, I'm glad I'm friends with the people I'm friends with. Hahah duh, otherwise I wouldn't be friends with them I suppose. But yeah. It's nice being myself with people being themselves. If that makes sense. it makes sense in my head. But I don't know if it does in yours, whoever you are.

My friend who goes to boarding in KL recently got suspended. She was caught doing marijuana. I don't get why she does stupid things like that.. I mean fine, if you wanna go and get high and stuff in your own house fine that's your own choice I guess, but to do it in school! Hhhh, it's just hard to care about someone who doesn't even care about them self. She could of so easily got expelled or anything, right before she did her exams and everything. I mean, she's already repeated year 10 and 11 twice now cause of moving schools, why would she want to do it again? 

But hey, it's her life right? Right. 
We haven't really even spoken much lately anyway.
I suppose that's partly my fault...

Oh oh, I just finished painting up a board game. It looks like a child did it! I hope it'll be worth something to someone.. Painting was pretty fun though.

Wow, what an egotistical blog post. Me me me. Blah blah blah. I must have said "I" about 52 000 times. I apologize for that. Maybe next time I'll write a story.


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