I originally wrote some crap about clouds and how I trip over my own feet because I think looking up is better than looking down yesterday.
But the formatting got all screwed up when I posted it.
So I clicked on the little edit button.
Everything was gone.
So instead of trying to write the same thing all over again, I decided to just do this:
Dump some of my thoughts about the past day or so.
Reflecting, ya know? IB seems to be big on that.
So yesterday I was sprung an ambush math tuition.
Not too happy about that.
Toootally not prepared for it, and I was yawning the whole time too.
But that's okay, I just got him to give me the history on radians.
Exciting right?
I know I really should be taking this a bit more seriously though.
Last math test, I got the incredibly impressive score of 12%
I know, I know, but please. Hold the applause till the end.
The day of my birthday a cat took a shit in the corner of my room.
And pissed on some foamy stuff.
Thank you kitty!
They just love me so much.
Today nothing interesting happened.
Haha, nah, I just can't remember anything.
Damn. That's not very good...
Ah, but I am working on my memory!
Kind of.
Okay, you can clap now.
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