Wednesday, 22 February 2012


Tension Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooone.

Phew! What a load off! That's right!

I finished my music essay. And boy oh boy, does that feel good.
I mean, I know I've got an impending English essay coming tomorrow, math test on Friday, another music essay on Friday (probably) and then some other crap. But ya know? I'm not really feeling too stressed about. It just kinda feels like

Everything will be alright.

Have you ever heard that song before? It's really cool. It's by The Killers.
It's a pretty relaxing song. Well, to me anyway. It just makes me smiiiile.

Speaking of songs and smiles, I'll be writing a song with a friend on Saturday.
Hope that turns out good!
I'm really quite looking forward to it.
I wonder if we'll get anything done or not?
hmmmhmmmm, only time will tell I suppose!

The other day, a bus passed me by.
And I didn't chase after it.
Which I thought was pretty good.
Cause normally I get really sad when I see a bus pass by when I'm on the other side of the road.
Even more time to wait till I get home.
But this time I didn't even care.

Yup, pretty insignificant.
But that's okay.
Cause this is my blog.
And I can write about whatever I want.

Still working on that satisfaction thing.
I really wanted to post up a new song that no one will listen to,
but I just didn't have time to today.
Maybe tomorrow.

That's actually really fun to say.
You should try it.
It's just like saying, maybe baby.
Except with eh's.
Okay, uh, pretty hard to explain it.
Through typing...

I've got nothing much else on my mind right now.
So cya.

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