Tuesday, 14 February 2012


So! Valentines day huh? Wee.
Hahah a very special day indeed. Well, not really for me, but, I'm sure for some people.
Nah, today I spent my afternoon recording up another demo. This one's called Saddo.
Quite a fitting title I'd say, considering what day it is today.

It's actually got quite a deep, meaningful back story.
Ya see, my friend, he pointed out, that I was standing in garbage.
Strange, I know, but I had no where else to stand while I was waiting for him.

It's a little scratchy on the vocals right now, but that's just cause I suck.
But don't worry! I figure if I do this all the time, I'm bound to get better. Right? Right.

So yeah, here's the link:    Saddo

Aaallssooo, I just realised that the last song I posted was a wav file, so that's why it took so long to download.. So this one's an mp3 this time.

I think I've got the balancing a bit better this time, but again I'm not sure.
Any suggestions, opinions, feedback, whatever, I'm all ears.

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