Hi there!
I'm feeling kind of bored. But, almost all the time. And I'm not particularly sure why.
So maybe saying it out loud here, will help, or whatever.
It's not that I'm doing things that never used to bore me. But I'm just feeling really apathetic. Like, my interest in things is just kind of lacking. Right now it seems the thing that's getting me by is just the thought of going home and playing guitar. I'm hoping if I keep playing every day, like I've been doing for about 3 years now, that I'll get good. Yeah a long time, right? I think I'm just a slow learner.
But being a slow learner is probably one of my problems. I get bored soooo easily half way through something because it takes so long, so I have to find a distraction or something else to keep my mind preoccupied. I'm thinking partly why I'm like this lately is cause I'm realising I won't be around here much too long.
It's just dawned on me that years aren't really that long..
And I've only got about one and a half left to go. Then I'm out of here, off somewhere else. Maybe where I wanna go, maybe not. I'm thinking I'll get my high school diploma though. So, I may end up where I want. That's what I'm really looking forward to now. Just, the future.
But then I kind of get scared thinking about that. What if I lose interest in recording, or producing or, dare I say it, guitar. Then what? I kind of have nothing to fall back on.. Nyeh that's not completely true. Biology's pretty cool. But I'd probably have to do those stupid SAT's if I wanted to do something to do with that.
Nah, I think music is where I'll end up. I hope so.
I also really wanna try and have more of a personality than a plank of wood. Hahah, I'm kind of boring myself.. Droning onnn and onnnn. Bitch bitch, whine whine, nyeh bleh patooie.
Well! I'm done with that! Yep! No more!
Time to look on the bright side.
I'm not sick! Wahoo!
And, I feel on top of my homework. Shazam!
And, and, it seems, that things are getting better. Skadoosh!
Hah. How vague.
"Things are getting better"
Pull it together man!
Don't wanna feel like I'm losin' it.
Hah, see what I did there? Title of the post, used.
Like when people in the movie they're in say the title of the movie.
It always feels so, satisfying I suppose.
Don't really know why. Just makes me laugh to myself.
Ah, that's it.
Figured out my problem.
I'm just bored cause I'm not feeling satisfied with anything I do.
I'll try working on that.
Do things that'll fill this void of pointlessness
Guess the question now is, where to start?
I like how you started with a problem and ended the post solving the source of your problem. then posting another question.
ReplyDelete& you do have a personality (:
& you should start here *points into my locker*
My hunches are pretty good ;)