Friday 13 April 2012


Sometimes when I close my eyes, when I'm lying in bed after a long day, it feels like the entire world around me is spinning around. And the longer I keep my eyes closed, the faster everything spirals. Does anyone else ever feel that? I'm quite curious, cause it's been happening with me for as long as I can remember. Just now in fact, I closed my eyes, tried to sleep, but whoosh. It was like I was stationry but my bed was spinning underneath me. Hahah it's just Weird! It actually spins so fast until the point where I can't help but open my eyes. But the whole reason there's spinning is because I'm tired! So it's pretty much a vicious cycle. Anyways, I really just wanted to talk about that this time. I am pretty tired. But that's mainly cause it's 2:22 in the morning. But ya know? I feel a kind of change coming on. Like a less apathetic kind of change. Thinking of maybve going down to the gym again. I think I've really let myself go.. Heh. But that'll all change next time I wake up. Maybe.


  1. Ahhh. so that was the spinning feeling you were talking about. I have yet to experience such thrill :/ life is not complete.

  2. Ohh, I should have told you yesterday when you were really tired that it works better when you feel like you're gonna collapse from exhaustion! There there. It'll happen one day.
