Thursday, 12 April 2012

Well, Well

Hey, guess what?

Seems I've got over 1000 views now.

Not too shabby seeing as I originally made this blog with the thought of no one ever looking at it.


I don't know what it is about this particular number. Maybe it's the first of the four digits? It's gonna take a lot longer to reach 5 digits now! Ho boy! We'll see how far I get later I guess.

Hmmm, well let's see. What to shed light on from this past week.

It really just seems this holiday has proven to make my brain kinda rot in my skull. I think it's starting to let off a horrible stupid stink now. I suppose that's not normally good. But for some reason, I don't really mind.

Okay, that's a lie. I don't wanna be an idiot. Heh, but I'm not anyway. Right? Naaaaaah. I just act brash sometimes and get caught in the moment easily. I think I hold grudges too strongly. That's a really big problem...

Like there's this one guy I knew when I was about 10. He was a total douchebag. Well, I didn't even know what a douchebag was back then (the insult or the bag that holds vaginal fluid) but in hindsight I can see he was one. He made it very clear that he didn't like my horrible weight issues. I suppose I didn't like that either. But he didn't have to make my life a pain. Like this one time, there was a bunch of people including me sitting on these park benches at school. Practically identical to the ones I sit on during lunch time. Anyway, he organised everybody to stand up at the same time and run away from the table while I was sitting down. What happened was the whole table flipped over as soon as everyone got off cause I was so heavy.. That was pretty embarrassing. After that I think I felt hate for the first time.

Haha! So dramatic right? But I can't believe I still remember that. I mean it's been 7 years since. Get over it man!

But I am over it. Just reflecting I guess. Stuff like that just sticks with me.

Maybe I'm just thinking about this cause I'm listening to Radiohead.. Almost every song I hear from them moves me. It's incredible. I dunno if I've said this before, but it's just the layers I can hear within each piece. It feels like it goes on forever into my head. Like there's a whole universe or something in my head, and it's broadcasting all over it. I've never been high, but I imagine it would be somewhat like listening to Radiohead. I can see why a lot of people wouldn't really like that kind of music though. I never liked it before. Then something clicked and I was like "HOLY FREAKIN' CRAP, WHAT IS THIS!?"

Yeah, that's a direct quote, by the way. I really did say that.

I wonder if I'll be able to make music that makes people affected like that. Hmmm. Probably not. Sounds like it took them a really long time to produce a sound like that. And I just don't have the patience!

I'm hoping I'll get more patient some day. My piano teacher noticed I'm very impatient. Always saying I rush into things too quickly. Haha lucky it's only playing piano though. Not like I'm charging into burning buildings without thinking.

Although speaking of burning buildings. We got some aftershock earthquake up from Indonesia over here. Haven't really checked up on how things are going over there. I was too amazed by the mass hysteria shown by the random people in the shopping mall when it happened. Everyone running around like the world was gonna end. Come on people. It's just a little shaking, calm down. I'm glad I'm friends with people who don't go into total freak out mode when something like that happens. Haha my mum is one of the people who does freak out. Then my little brother reflects her fears times 10. It's pretty funny sometimes. But I love 'em anyway.

So my ex girlfriend started texting me all of a sudden, just randomly. And for some reason, mainly out of guilt I guess.. I'm a really bad person when it comes to, confrontation I suppose. I don't really know what to say or do with stuff like this. So I just kind of, turn my back and try and ignore everything. Yeah it's ignorant I know. But that's why I finally answered one of her texts. To try and get better with that. I guess there isn't anything wrong with being friends though right? Yeah.. I guess not. We'll see how this turns out. I don't want to be anything more than friends though. That's for sure.

So yeah, I suppose that's it for now.

Yay for one thousand and three views!

Maybe next time something more interesting will have happened.

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