Wednesday, 30 May 2012


I have a fucking question.What the fuck do people have against "swear words"? I mean it seems too fucking ridiculous to me. Words can only have negative fucking connotations if you let them.If we didn't put them on a pedestal so fucking high above the other fucking dumb shit words people use today, then there wouldn't be so much tension surrounding these fucking words. You fucking know?

Okay, so another thing people say about how fucking bad curses are is that children shouldn't hear them. Why the fuck not? They're gonna hear them fucking eventually, right? We're again putting them on that fuck-high pedestal, giving them greater weight then they really fucking deserve. So then we grow up with generations of fucking kids, who others consider little shits because they think they're so badass swearing all the fucking time. When really, if you think about, the root of all the fucking evil winds back down to you, you conservative fucks.

Haha, but in all fucking seriousness. I suppose I don't really give a fuck about how society treats the word fuck. They can not say fucking shit all fucking day as far as I fucking care. But, it's when they start telling other people what they can't fucking say, that's what pisses me the fuck off. Who gives anyone the fucking right to control what anyone fucking says? What you say is you're fucking business and not anyone elses. If you say something, without the fucking intent to offend, then there's no fucking problem, right? If someone was to get all up in a fuck and offended, even when the intent wasn't there, the person who said fuck or shit or cunt or dick or bitch or whatever other words that are considered "bad" shouldn't be fucking reprimanded and ostracized. Ugh, freedom of fucking speech. Hah, what a fucking joke.


Haha that was fun.

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