Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Hhhhh, far out. It just seems like I'm incapable of sleep right now. Which is pretty crap because I'd really like to sleep right now. Ever get that feeling? Like you want to sleep, your body feels tired, but when it gets to the lying down part, nothing. Diddly squat.

Don't know how therapeutic talking about it like this is, but oh well.
Hah, if anything after staring at this screen I'll be even least tired. Heck, might as well just stay up all night the way this is going! Woohoohoohoo. Party goin down till dawn. Aaaaaaaawwwwww yeeeeeeeaaaaaaah.


Ya know sometimes I just pretend I'm talking to you while I write this." Talking to whom?" you may be wondering. Why, to you. Yep, you. Nyahaha. Oh so helpful, I know.

I still haven't figured out the title for this post yet. Hmmmm, what should it be? Pretty pointless asking you this now. Since its not like you can read everything i'm typing as its being typed...
But i think that would be pretty cool. I reckon instant messaging isn't instant enough! There should be no need to press an enter button. Everything you type is automatically seen by the person on the other end. That'd kind of be like its more of a conversation too. Although, of you're a slow typer, it might be a little problematic.. Heh.

Oh so I've been trying so hard to write a new song lately. But nothing really seems to stick. I can't tell if there's just not enough going on in my life to move me so much to expressmyself through music, or if I'm maybe just lacking in new inspiration to listen to from other bands. Emotional trauma of some sort always seems to be a good kick in the gonads for me to write something new. Haha but I'd have to be crazy to actually go looking for ways to make myself feel emotionally destroyed. Naah, everything needs to be totally natural. Just gotta bide my time... Then maybe one day soon.. Something will just go BAM. And tada, i got myself a brand new track!

But i havent even finished recording the rest of my first album. I've been contemplating cutting out a few songs from there.. I was really into them when i first wrote it, but after time, and after other things in life, those songs seem pretty minuscule and meaningless now. No point recording them if i can't replicate the emotions i had at the time, ya know?

Okay then. I'll try getting to bed again. Maybe I'll start spinning around. That happened last night. Goodnight you. And you. And you too. And also you in Russia. Thanks for making up over 8% of all my views!

Oh, Hah, i still haven't made a title for this yet.. Ah screw it. The first idea for a title, that's what I'll put up.

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