Wednesday, 12 June 2013

That Damn Labyrinth.

So I just finished a book about an hour ago that I only started reading last night. I'm pretty happy with myself about that. It wad a good book too. Flowed real nicely. That's the only reason I could have read it so quickly. I'm normally quite a slow reader.

Reading the book was interesting because it solidified some things that I've actually been thinking about recently. I got the book not really knowing what to expect, and it just so happened to brush over sooo many different thoughts and questions I've been asking myself. Haha, I mean, the book didn't exactly answer these questions, but it's nice to have your own questions validated by seeing some random dude has asked the same things, in a way that a lot of people must like. Hmmmm.

It's hard to know when remembering things and people whether or not you're idealising them because they're not around. You forget the bad things and only remember the good. Or vice versa. I guess it's just what people do. It's not like we mentally say to ourselves "okay, This person had no faults and they were completely fantastical and farted rainbows". It's just the way we can subconsciously manipulate our own memories without even noticing. And then you can become stuck in a dream, ya know? Heh.

So my hair feels radioactive right now. It's pretty awesome. The greenest of greens, and it's all over my head. And it's not just from food colouring too, so my hair is actually soft again. Well.. Soft as hair gets when you've bleached it. I don't really have anything to compare it to anusways, so for my standards it's soft haha. Also, I consulted with a highly esteemed hair professor on whether or not hair products contribute to baldness. And you know what? They don't! It's a myth. I ain't going bald, unless it's already been decided by my genetic code, and if that's the case i was doomed from the very beginning anusway. So I may as well enjoy my hair while I still can!

I am invincible. I've been wondering whether or not I am for a while now, but, yes. It's true. We're invincible for as long as we believe we're invincible.

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