Monday, 15 April 2013


Music is the perfect conduit for my thoughts, I reckon. So I'm gonna put my phone on random and write 5 paragraphs, probably really random in theme and disconnected from each other, based on 5 random songs that come on. Hoo boy. Hopefully this will work.

There There. These drums make me feel like tapping my feet. I've never been in a desert, but I think I would like to go to one one day. Just go drive in one really deep, and then hop out of my car, and then blow the car. Then I'll have to fend for myself in the desert. The blistering cold at night. The shivering heat in the day. Hmm. I'd probably die. Then some vulture will probably pick away at my flesh. Nom nom nom. Delicioso! Eh.. Maybe going to a desert wouldn't be that great. Well, being purposefully stranded in one anyway. I wonder if anyone has ever actually done that? That'd be pretty interesting. Interesting in a "wow, someone that stupid actually exists" kind of way. You could scream and there'd be no one around to hear you though. That'd be cool. And you can see mirages too, out growing insanity from dehydration and whatnot.

What's the fastest someone's heart can go? I've got a pretty naturally fast heart rate at rest. Why am I talking about hearts? I dunno. This song that's on is about chasing after a prostitute who you've fallen in love with. Hahah. Ahh. The funny thing is I have more than one song about that theme. I wonder if any of them are true. Wow, it sounds like I do a lot of wondering. I guess I do though. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING. Woops, after blindly trying to press the backspace button, I've accidentally made my browser fullscreen... How did I do that... How do I get out...? Heeeelllpppp. I don't like how there's no borders anymore. It's scary. It's so, freeing. I feel like I can do anything now!

YEEAAH! I love this song. I found it all by myself. And barely anybody knows it. Which is a shame, because I think White Light Riot is a great band. Well.. To be honest I've only ever heard one song from them. Out of Sight. That's what's playing now. But daaammmn, if it ain't not good. I think that means it is good... If I got my double negatives correct. Haha I'm not really supposed to be talking about the songs, but oh well. Fuck it! It's my thing! I do what I want! Hu ha! Exclamation mark! Hhhh, What's the deal with tourists and their obsession with taking their shirt off just because their on holidays. I don't care who you are; fat, skinny, tall, thin, whatever. If you don't live your normal life shirtless, why do you feel this irresistible urge just to go walking around on the street half naked. Half the time it doesn't even seem like they're even doing anything. They're just standing around on the sides of the street. Meh. People can do what they want. I guess I don't really care per se. I just don't understand it.

Ah. The Approaching Curve. This might actually be my favourite Rise Against song. I don't know, maybe. It's different from what they normally do. It's basically a spoken story with hardcore music in the background. I really like that kind of thing though; the whole spoken word thing over background music. Today I just heard one by the Gorillaz called Fire Coming Out of a Monkey's Head. And it actually developed into this seamlessly merged 3 song epic at the end of their album Demon Days. I really wish I bothered getting into the Gorillaz before, like, 2 days ago. Because I'm really enjoying them now. Does this count as cheating? I mean I'm not exactly talking about the song that's playing, so I guess it's okay. I'm actually quite surprised at how much I'm able to write with the time constraints of just one song. Thought these paragraphs would be muuuuuch smaller.

I Was Made for Sunny Days by the Weepies is on now. This is a pretty nice song. I like the boy-girl harmony in the chorus. Well, the overall song in general is quite cheery, which is nice after a song like the one that just played before that was about a wife crashing a car that her and her husband was in on purpose... Guess this wouldn't really be on my phone if I wasn't introduced to them. So thanks to the person who introduced them to me. This is the final paragraph now. Hmmm. School was alright today. Nothing bad happened. But Biology. HO-LEE SHIT. I felt like dying. I've never felt so bored in my life. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration. But for some reason, I just felt like being anywhere but that lesson.

Oh would you look at that, 5 songs are over. My fingers are pretty tired now from typing so much so fast. So... I think I'll just go listen to music no-- I mean study. Of course. Hahaahahahahahahah. Yes, yes. Study.

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