Saturday, 9 March 2013


I've cut my finger in this really awkward place on my index finger yesterday when I was playing guitar with my band. We were practicing for a show on Sunday. I don't even know how I got the cut where i got it, but I did. It wasn't so bad when it first happened, just stung a bit. But after a whole day, it's kind of just evolved into this semi-pussy bump with a slice over it, surrounded by red. It'll be a pain to do barre chords tomorrow, but oh well. The show must go on! I hope those kids we're playing for like the songs we're doing. Itchueewakuunee.

I just found my very first notebook. It was pretty interesting, seeing the kind of things that filled my head back then. It's from 2009. That's only four years ago. That's basically nothing and yet basically everything too. Anything that's really mattered in my life so far has happened between those four years. But then really, it's a such a small chunk out of what I've lived and what I'm going to live too. Man, I haven't really changed that much. Although, there was no swearing whatsoever in it. Except for the word "piss" and "doo", but I don't think they really count. It's also filled almost entirely with drawings. I loved drawing. I guess I still do, but I just don't have that much time to invest in that love. There were 2 main concepts I was working on. You could tell when I got bored of the first one because you never saw any trace of it ever again once the second idea came around. Hahah, ahhh. They were all for my comic book endeavors. Interestingly, I've never made a comic book ever since I came here. Kind of sad I guess, since it was my supposed passion before. I hope I'll be able to find one of my old comic books again. I would stay up till the wee hours of the morning, just working on a new issue in one of my adventures. Bananaboy. Man, he was a character. A stylish sentient banana with a mohawk and street smarts. He was best friends with the Black Veggie (Lol, most hilarious name ever. Bananaboy was original called the Blue Banana and he was basically the Black Vegie's sidekick), who my best friend made. That was in like, 2003? 2004? Somewhere around there. I wonder if my old best friend still remembers those times. We haven't spoken in a very long time, which is sad in a way, but then since we haven't really spoken for so long, it's not that shocking anymore.

Anyways, back to my first notebook. It's a total mess now; looks like it's been in a war zone. There's pages falling out, and most of it is pretty crumpled up. But still, everything is how I remember it. I've never been very good at maintaining those kind of things in very good quality. The first concept I came up with was this parody of Dragon Ball Z, Called "Dragon Fly Y?" Hahaha. I thought I was soooo clever for thinking of that. Basically, all the characters from the show are now slugs and snails and stuff like that. And they gotta collect these little dragon fly statues. Oh, and every attack was named after something excreted from the body. "Special Piss Cannon" "Destructo Doo" "Kamehame-crap", you get the idea. I got as far as outlining what each character model looks like, before moving on to something way too ambitious: My second concept.

I still think about it sometimes these days. I mean, just in passing in my head. It's set in a futuristic society. The whole world is basically run by a big corporation called Unity. Unity got to power by creating the ultimate power source to. Totally renewable and totally wicked. Everything in the future; cars, homes, computers, whatever, is powered by a miniature black hole in perfect stability. Yeah, in this world, black holes can be manufactured and controlled, and it turns out they can be used as infinite batteries. So, long story short, Unity bought the world. Or, took the world more like. What it couldn't buy off, it used its military (duh) to wipe out. Because the black holes are so malleable, Unity was able to create a bionic suit that can transform and morph into different weapons and tools and stuff, as well as awesome armor. To top it off, anyone wearing these military suits are instantly brain-washed and put under mind control. So Unity had this thing, where if there were any hippy protesters or whatever outside their massive headquarters complaining energy and life should be free, they would be turned into perfect warriors. It didn't matter who they got, because the suit can just shape themselves around their host to make them into whatever Unity wants them to be. Uh, but this is just the backstory to this whacked out universe I created. The main story is about this random dude called Bladen who accidentally stumbled upon the greatest bio suit ever created by Unity. I'm not sure how yet, but maybe I'll come back to this another time. So, of course, now that Bladen's got the ultimate weapon on his arm, he uses it for good, right? WRONG. He's an egocentric bastard that now possesses the ability to stop the evil that's taken over his planet, murdered his puppy and stolen his girlfriend. Except, instead of wanting to save the day, he himself just wants to become the overlord of the universe by taking out Unity and ruling the world himself. And that's fair enough, I say. What's different about his suit is that it's really a massive glove at first. But his arm can now morph into like, this massive anythings. Whatever he imagines, his hand will change into. Eventually it'll creep up and take over his body like some weird mold, but yeah. Oh, also, he isn't put under mind control, because his suit is the ONE suit that Unity created with no core. I didn't explain what a core is yet because I can't be bothered, but in short a core is what's central to Unity's whole mind control and power control thing. It's basically a dimmer switch. With no core, Unity has no ability to lower his power, take over his mind, whatever. This is a Mark II suit that Unity was making. The Mark I suit did have a core, and it's used by someone who ends up being Bladen's rival (surprise, surprise). But why were Unity making stronger and stronger weapons if they already ruled the world? Ha-ha! I do not know. Well, I do now. A whole story has come to mind from writing all of this down again. Maybe this will end up being something after all. I know it's riddled with cliches and plot holes, but there's always time to iron out the bugs. This is basically a re-salvaging from the notes I made in my notebook.

I don't know if that last paragraph made completely cohesive sense, but oh well. I'm tired now, so I'm going to go to bed. But this was a nice nostalgia trip for me.


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