Monday, 18 March 2013

Magnum Opus

Well then, I think it's about time we start posting up some new compositions, eh? This week will see me finishing three completely. One is a programmatic piece using the piano and mandolin, another is a string quintet (with a twisty fifth lead instrument!), and the final piece will be this Magnum Opus, which I will be posting here today, for all of you to hear.

Ahh. Absolutely magnificent.

It's safe to say this piece has really pushed my composing skills to the max. This is truly my Magnum Opus. There is a total of 40 instruments, including a legion of trombones, trumpets and flutes, a koto, a guitar, a drum kit, and a full choir. It's epic. And here is the gateway to my masterpiece:


Heh. Heheh. Haaaahahahahahhahahahhahah. Heeh.

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