Monday, 15 October 2012


Well, there ya go. You're just about as good as dead now. I'll never see you ever again. I thought I wouldn't actually be sad. But I guess I kind of am. I really thought I wouldn't feel anything at all to be honest. But.. It does make me feel something. Kinda like that sinking feeling you get in your stomach sometimes.

Okay, it was a bit harsh to say "you're just about as good as dead", because I know you'll probably be a lot happier where you're gonna be now. Hopefully. I'm sure we didn't just send you away to be eaten alive by some sickos or whatever. Or skinned and turned into a cat-suit. But that probably wouldn't happen. Surely.

I've known you for 7 years. that's 41% of my life! And now I'll never see you again. You won't be there to piss in the middle of the hallway. You won't spread your horrible, stench-filled pheromone all over me. You won't shit on the floor outside my room. You won't rub your head up against my leg when I come home from school. You won't jump up on the bed with me when I'm feeling a little lonely. You won't start nuzzling into me, or go all floppy when I pick you up. And the worst part is, you probably won't even remember me. But that's okay. You're a cat. I'm not too familiar with the memory system of a cat, but it's probably not too impressive. After a few months without any sign, scent, or sound from me, I'll be clear out your memory, and be replaced by someone else.

I accept that fact.

But it still makes me feel pretty sad.

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