All my time has turned to days that I will waste until my dying day.
That's a song by the way. Bad Sign, I mean. It's by Brad Sucks, and I like it. I'm listening to it right now. You should look it up. If you feel like it. Up to you, really. I won't mind either way.
So apparently, I think I've come to the conclusion that I must just naturally give off these strong "I don't feel like talking to you" vibes. Because, it even managed to get through to my own therapist. So she ended my session early this Monday, because she thought I didn't want to talk. The ironic part is though, she didn't tell me she felt that way, she told my dad when I left the room and he entered after me. It's ironic, because those vibes that she was picking up is something we should have really talked about, you know, so maybe I could figure out a plan to try and fix that. But, no.
I just thought, it must be really bad, because I was able to convince someone who is paid to talk to me to not talk to me.
So, guess I should apologise if that seems to be how I am. All "I don't feel like talking". Maybe it's my face? I don't know. Well, okay I don't apologise for it, because it's not intentional. But if it ever looks like I don't want to talk, it probably means I do want to. Because opening mouths and projecting sound from the larynx can be fun. Especially when the sounds can be interpreted as some form of language. Preferably English, because my Spanish is still rubbish and I can't remember very much Japanese or French any more. Thankfully, I can still read Japanese though. That's been embedded in my head for ever I think.
Well I have a biology test tomorrow that I will do moderately okay in, like every other biology test. Hah! Just joking, of course. It's time to be confident. This is the confidence paragraph. If you read everything I said in a mopey voice, then stop now and re-read it like someone who is quietly confident, and knows their shit. Go on, re-read it. I'll wait for you. Okay, done? Probably not. Like you'd re-read it. You're fare too busy reading this sentence right here. And here. And here. And here. And here. And I'll stop now, because I was about to go into an infinite loop. And this is not the infinite loop paragraph; this is the confidence paragraph. I will try my best for the biology test tomorrow, and that will present me with a score that, to me, is deemed awesome. Why? Because I know I tried my best on it. And that's all you can do with these things. Unless your goal is to not succeed, which in that case, you'll be succeeding in failing. So you still win regardless!
Okay then, that's enough for now. I still have to start my study for bio!
Haaaahahaaahahahhahahahaahahah. Totally kidding. I've been studying today. Sure I have. You doubt it? Well, me too! So I guess that means we're on the same page.
What are you waiting for? Close the page already.
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